Passionate about how to achieve the effect of health preservation through natural methods. In his spare time, he likes to read and analyze scientific literature, hoping to get the latest health...
Chiropractors start from the root cause of pain (such as spine, intervertebral disc, distal knee joint, etc.), and make targeted treatment with its unique, safe and systematic chiropractic correction...
Paintcm Chinese Medicine Center will continue to promote innovative Chinese medicine treatment and modern diagnosis and treatment models, and continue to improve clinical treatment techniques, and...
Easyhear 清晰聽聽力中心利用專利註冊的5g波束成型技術, 高效降噪, 突出人聲,致力為長者及聽力受損人士提供全面及可靠的聽力服務,包括聽力測試及助聽器 驗配。5g助聽器波束成型技術,成功解決舊式助聽器噪音大、在嘈雜環境無法聽得清楚的 問題,讓弱聽人士克服聽力障礙。 The Easyhear Clear Hearing Center uses patented 5G beamforming...