Business name:zwap
Company description:
Zwap Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. Zwap 學生貸款專為香港的大專生和大學生設計, 學生免息學生貸款,學生貸款免息等優惠,無論是因學費還是交換生計劃而有財政困難,z wap都幫到你!interest-free student loans for students, interest-free student loans and other offers, whether you have financial difficulties due to tuition fees or exchange student programs, Zwap has you covered!
Company activities:
Student loan
Date posted / updated:25/04/2022
User - registered since:25/04/2022
Added under the name:Zwap Student Loan
Posted in category:Finance, banking, insuranceCredit providers
Region:Hong Kong IslandDistrict:Central & Western
Statistics:2004 impressions / 363 visits