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Welcome to NAT English, home of elite English tutorial service provide

Business name:NAT English Services Limited

Company description:
We provide fast, convenient, and comprehensive English tutorial services by Native English Tutors, Native English Private Teachers in Hong Kong. Objectives: To meet the versatile requirements of students at all levels (from elementary school to undergraduate and graduate studies) and professionals in all walks of life. If you are looking for an elite English teacher to show you the fastest and easiest way to improve your English, NAT English is the top choice for you. Our service objective is to offer you the most pertinent, proficient, painless and (3P) way to English learning. We at NAT English appreciate the trust and supports of parents and institutions alike throughout the years. We are committed to provide ever-improving services to meet the evolving requirements of parents and businesses. We welcome your inquiries and inputs in the ways we serve you. Please feel free to contact us for any questions you have.

Company activities:
Specialized services provided by NAT English: 1. Basic General English 2. Business English 3. Examination Preparation 4. Corporate English Training 5. Spot Interpretation ∕ Translation 1. Basic General English: Pronunciation; - Speaking; - Listening; - Test Preparation; - Interview Preparation. For: Kindergarten and Primary School Students. 2. Business English: conversational English; - critical reading and writing essential; grammar; - proper pronunciation and articulation; - conceptualization, syntax, and proofreading; - confidence building. For: Professionals. 3. Examination Preparation: Cambridge English: Starters, Movers, Flyers, Key for Schools and Preliminary for Schools, SAT, Hkdse Oral and Examinations, Ielts, Toefl, SSAT, PSAT, SAT, Igcse, GMAT, Bulats and Hong Kong Speech Language Festival etc. 4. Corporate English Training: Our in-house English training programs are available at all levels and individually designed for businesses. 5. Spot Interpretation ∕ Translation: Business Conference Interpretation; - Contract ∕ Document Translation. The above services are available in 1-to-1 sessions and small classes especially catered to your needs. Please call us for more details.

Company headquarters - NAT English Services LimitedStreet:Shau Kei Wan
City:Hong Kong
Postal code:852
Opening hours09:00-22:00

Contact person:NAT  -Manager




Webpage:http:// ?

Form of business organization:limited liability company

Number of employees:10

Year of establishment:5

Date posted / updated:02/10/2019

User - registered since:23/09/2017

Added under the name:Welcome to NAT English, home of elite English tutorial service provide

Posted in category:Education and scienceLanguage schools and courses

Region:Hong Kong IslandDistrict:Eastern

Statistics:6277 impressions / 857 visits

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