Business name:AV Magazine
Company description:
創刊號於1980年正式出版, (徐國勳影音世界) 四十年來已經成為本地最具權威性的影 音數碼雜誌。此外,本刊附屬刊物 (徐國勳粉絲世界),內容主攻本地及國際的電影及音樂 評論,每期還設有導演、編劇、演員或創作者專訪。 The first issue was officially published in 1980. Xu Guoxun Audiovisual World has become the most authoritative local audiovisual digital magazine in the past 40 years. In addition, the affiliated issue of this magazine, Xu Guoxun Fan World, focuses on local and international film and music reviews. Each issue also has an interview with the director, screenwriter, actor or creator. Address: 香港中環皇后大道中99號中環中心48樓
Company activities:
Xu Guoxun, Huang Yiqiang, av magazine
Date posted / updated:15/06/2020
User - registered since:15/06/2020
Added under the name:徐國勳影音世界 AV Magazine
Posted in category:Internet and wwwNews portals
Region:Hong Kong IslandDistrict:Central & Western
Statistics:4096 impressions / 658 visits